Rubbish & Nuisance | News

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News from Loughborough Estate

Every month there will be new features and information about the Loughborough Estate, including upcoming events and activities as well as useful information for all residents.

Rubbish & Nuisance

Unfortunately we have to remind residents about the disposal of rubbish and nuisance.

Household and bulk rubbish is again being left on landings and dumped around the estate. This rubbish will attract "Rats and Mice", to the estate, and your property.

We are asking residents to dispose of their rubbish sensibly, by putting it in the bins provided around the estate.

Rubbish and furniture on landings and communal areas, is also becoming a nuisance and fire hazard to several blocks around the estate. Please do not store furniture, bicycles or other flammable goods on these areas, as they may be removed and disposed of, as you may be breaching your tenancy agreement.

Please contact the housing office for disposal of unwanted bulky items, do not leave them on landings to create a hazard for others. 

We are asking residents to dispose of their rubbish sensibly, by putting it in the bins provided around the estate.

LEMB has a ZERO tolerance to all forms of nuisance and ASB which is a criminal offense including fly tipping. We will surely take appropriate action against all identified perpetrators.


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